Kellan Interwiev-Twist

On filming New Moon:
"I'm done with New Moon. It was really easy to work on with [Director] Chris Weitz. It all starts with the director, and he really moves the tempo with shooting. And he's just so mellow and relaxed that it trickled down to the crew. And they were really prepared and it trickled down to the actors, who were really comfortable. And since Twilight was really accepted by the fans, it really allowed us to feel comfortable in our shoes."
On what to look forward to in NM:
"Something to really look forward to is Jackson Rathbone's scene when he's playing Jasper, and Bella cuts her finger at her birthday party. He really loses himself there. He really transformed himself and got there, so it was really cool to see. And I think the fans will really like to see that and be surprised with how fierce he looked and got."
On continuing to play Emmett:
"Emmett has quite a larger role with Eclipse and then Breaking Dawn, so I'm really excited to shoot Eclipse coming up soon and then hopefully Breaking Dawn!
On encountering fans:
"As far as the fans, I guess nothing too bizarre [has happened]. The conventions are always on lockdown, and at the publicity events, we have security. But when I'm in LA and I'm walking around - I was driving one day, leaving my neighborhood and this car pulled up right next to me and they started screaming out their window! They told me to roll the window down, and I'm like ‘What the heck is going on?' And I roll my window down and it's "Emmett!" Just screaming! And I'm like, ‘Oh, that's why!' I forgot and this was right after we were done shooting [Twilight], so I really didn't know the hype for the movie. Or that fans had so much love for it! So when that happened, I was just realy taken back."
jaaa eller hur haha.. tror inte jag har så stor chans med dem när de senare får reda på att jag alltid leta upp bilder på dem, deras adress och skit hahah... =)
det får vi verkligen göra!!! Vad annars ska vi göra den dagen då våra twi-killar skaffar tjej och vi ser paparazzi bilder på dem kyssas?? Det kommer svida i mitt lilla hjärta haha :P