Jag och 11 stycken andra twilight galna tjejer har startat upp bloggen Twicandy!
Vi som har slagit ihop oss heter amanda, dianne, sabine, marigona, evelina, linnea, emma, maria, josefin, idun, angelica och nathalie! =)
Tillsammans blir vi; Inom några veckor ska vi ha bloggen fullt fixad och ett eget domän :) Men kika gärna in för här gåre undan med uppdateringarna ;) 12 tjejer = Uppdatering 24/7
''Once you taste the Twicandy,you are stuck!Wanna taste(a)?''
Lite av inlägget är kopierat från twilighersforever (:Klicka på bilden för att komma till bloggen :)
Gårdagens bild ;)
Jag vann..=)
Tack så jättemycket,Marigona =)
The Wolfpack.

Knappast någon ny bild,men dom är så snygga,haha ;)
Teen Choice Awards
Japp,Twilight är nominerade som:
- Movie:Dram- Twilight
- Movie:Romantic-Twilight
- Movie Actor:Drama- Robert Pattinson
- Movie Actress:Drama- Kristen Stewart
- Movie:Villain-Cam Gigandet
- Movie:Fresh Face Female-Nikki Reed,Ashley Greene
- Movie:Fresh Face Male-Taylor Lautner
- Movie:Liplock-Rob Pattinson och Kristen Stewart
- Movie:Rumble-Robert Pattinson VS Cam Gigandet
- Music:Soundtrack-Twilight soundtrack
- Male Hottie-Robert Pattinson
Så alla gå in och rösta :)Måste tyvär bli medlem men det är gjort på några sekunder.
Det sägs även att Taylor Lautner och Ashley Greene ska presentera något på galan.
Jamie Bowe:At Serpentine Gallery Summer party

Japp den 9 juli syntes Jamie''Caius''Bowie till på,denna fest =)
Mer bilder här och här :)
Dagens Bild

Kristen Stewart:The Runaways
Japp en väldigt bra video,The runaways on-set :)
Dagens Bild.
Dagens bild blir på sötaste Taylor Lautner=)
Dagens Fråga.

Ja bilden säger väl allt,alltså vilken är din favorit bok i the twilight saga? =)
Dagens Videoklipp ;)
Haha hittade liknade klipp här på twilightobsession,och dom är så roliga ;)
Jag hittade flera liknade klipp så titta,njut,skratta =)
Dagens Bild.
Dagens bild,blir på vår favorit Robert :)
Kellan Interwiev-Twist

On filming New Moon:
"I'm done with New Moon. It was really easy to work on with [Director] Chris Weitz. It all starts with the director, and he really moves the tempo with shooting. And he's just so mellow and relaxed that it trickled down to the crew. And they were really prepared and it trickled down to the actors, who were really comfortable. And since Twilight was really accepted by the fans, it really allowed us to feel comfortable in our shoes."
On what to look forward to in NM:
"Something to really look forward to is Jackson Rathbone's scene when he's playing Jasper, and Bella cuts her finger at her birthday party. He really loses himself there. He really transformed himself and got there, so it was really cool to see. And I think the fans will really like to see that and be surprised with how fierce he looked and got."
On continuing to play Emmett:
"Emmett has quite a larger role with Eclipse and then Breaking Dawn, so I'm really excited to shoot Eclipse coming up soon and then hopefully Breaking Dawn!
On encountering fans:
"As far as the fans, I guess nothing too bizarre [has happened]. The conventions are always on lockdown, and at the publicity events, we have security. But when I'm in LA and I'm walking around - I was driving one day, leaving my neighborhood and this car pulled up right next to me and they started screaming out their window! They told me to roll the window down, and I'm like ‘What the heck is going on?' And I roll my window down and it's "Emmett!" Just screaming! And I'm like, ‘Oh, that's why!' I forgot and this was right after we were done shooting [Twilight], so I really didn't know the hype for the movie. Or that fans had so much love for it! So when that happened, I was just realy taken back."
The Runaways-Kristen Stewart

Klicka för mer bilder :)
Sparkling Edward !
Kika in på hot topic om ni vill köpa den ;D

Bokomslag:Koreansk Stil

Jag tycker omslaget är väldigt söta och vackra :)Alla figurerna på Bella och Edward är handmålade .
Min favorit är nog Breaking Dawn!
Kolla eller köp serien här :)
NM klipp i filmen brandslam
The exclusive trailer will run in front of all showings of BANDSLAM during its opening weekend.
BANDSLAM, a music-driven comedy starring Vanessa Hudgens, Aly Michalka and Gaelen Connell, opens nationwide on August 14.
Åhh vad jag längtar nu! :)
Bellas berlock-armband

Ni vet ju i eclipce att Bella får ett armband med en varg-berlock av jake?
Japp,jag hittade det här armbandet på Etzy och dom är tillsalu nu så kika gärna in där :)
Rob i kostym =)

Dagens Bild.

Japp idag får vår otroligt snygge Rob Pattison stå för dagens bild =)
New Moon-Repliker

The twilight examiner,har gjort en lista på,repliker som dom tycker ska vara med i New Moon!
Vill du läsa hela listan kan du klicka här :)
Så har du någon speciel replik du tycker ska vara med eller snarare vilka kanske?Dom kan vara sorgliga,roliga ja det är upp till er :)
Vampire Vacation!
In Washington state's scenic northern Olympic Peninsula, you can find "Twilight" body glitter for $2.99. "I Love Jacob" Christmas ornaments for $11.99. Four different daily tours of "Twilight" destinations for $39 per person. Even a "Twilight" sparkling wine.
It's what you would expect from ground zero for the global phenomenon/vampire love story. As publicity ramps up for "New Moon," due out in November, locals in Forks, Wash., also known as Bella's hometown, are girding for visitors.
But drive seven miles west to La Push, and the roar of the marketing machine turns to a dignified whisper. The home of the tiny Quileute Nation (pronounced QUILL-ee-oot) sits on a square mile of land on the Pacific Ocean, boasting an unspoiled view of the sometimes stormy, often misty beaches.
The setting for much of "New Moon" and subsequent books, real-life La Push is a stripped down, back-to-nature experience. Giant, weathered logs litter the beaches. The tribe-owned resort offers rooms from $45 to $300, with no TVs, no phones and spotty WiFi. The sound of the surf is a constant companion, and it's easy to imagine Bella finding peace and refuge here with her werewolf friends......läs hela artiklen här :)

Namninsamlingboken! :)
Stehpanie och Jennifer startade en insamling där man skulle skriva sin namnteckning sen skulle dom skicka in boken till summit entertainment :)Man kunde också skickain en egen video-hälsning på 30 sekunder ;)
Så kan vi hålla tummarna för att vi kanske får se någon i Twilight cast :D

Jättefint tycker jag spana in fler bilder på =)
Robert Pattinson Interview
Ta er tid och läsa väldigt rolig faktiskt :)hitta intervjun här :)
A year ago I couldn't get a date. Now the world has gone backwards. I can have any 14 year old that I want." says the British actor Robert Pattinson, who has become overnight, the new It Boy thanks to his character Edward Cullen.
Move over Zac efron... Have you met the High School Musical star?
We met at an awards show. He's the new face of success. But he's all the opposite of what I thought he would be. He's so honest and down to earth. You'd think he's so prepared for the press, but he's not.
What do fans say about you when they meet you in person?
They are increadibly opinionated. They have very clear ideas as to how I should live my life. Who knew 15 years old could be so moralistic?
Is it true that you did castings for vampire characters before?
Yes, I did an audition for True Blood, but that didn't work out. I didn't think I would get the role of Edward Cullen either, because the character is very enigmatic. I didn't want to play the biggest vampire stereotype, so I tried to humanize him.
When you got the role a lot of fans were very angry....
They didn't want me. They sent me hate messages and the Internet was full of comments. They said I looked like a bum.
Do you understand why Edward appeals so much to young girls?
No, I don't get why people like this character in such an obsessive level. The fact that he's so polite and opens doors for girls, all that. I don't get why teenagers like this stuff.
Did you get along with Kristen Stewart?
In the beginning I thought: "She's so serious, so I have to be very serious too". And I went on without talking to her for like two weeks. She must have thought I was stuck up. I only spoke to her about the movie, other movies, books, serious stuff. But I felt like an idiot. I dropped the act and we got along great.
It's been said on numerous occasions that you're in love with her and that you proposed to her on the set of the movie...
I don't remember that happening, but if that's what she said, then it's true.
How did your career being?
I started as a model when I was 12. I was the youngest one in the agency. I was so skinny, I looked like a girl, and back then the whole androgenous look was in. Then I did some amateur theater and then I began to go to castings.
And you were chosen for Reese Witherspoon's movie Vanity Fair...
Yes, but my part was cut from the movie. That's how I got Harry Potter, the casting director felt guilty.
Why didn't you get more roles after Harry Potter?
I went on several auditions but they kept telling me I was scary....
And your agent sent you to LA to do more castings and you got the role of Edward. Weren't you sent to media training after you were chosen for the role?
Yes. My agent kept getting messages like "he's resisting the training!" (laughs), I just didn't want to answer like I was a robot. Not even little children like to hear the same answers, it's boring!
What have you been up to since you finished Twilight?
I've been living in LA. I learned how to drive and I've been exploring the city. It's a very different culture from London. There isn't many pubs and people here don't get how normal it is in London to just go out for a beer. They think it's bizarre.
Do you have a car yet?
A 1989 BMW convertible. The convertible top is broken, the dashboard caught on fire when I was driving and the back seats look like a dumpster with all my old trash. And I just hope the red button that just turned on isn't something I should worry about. (laughs).
Have you made any new friends in Hollywood?
A couple. Most of them are from the industry. I go out with club promoters and PR people. I always get my picture taken coming out of the dodgiest places. It's embarrasing. I went out everyday for like a week until I realized that people must think I was some sort of drunk.
What do you do on your spare time?
I'm a musician. I know all actors say they're musicians, but I've been doing it for years. I play the piano since I was four and classical guitar since I was five. I just started playing blues and similar stuff. I'm not a virtuoso, but I'm not that bad either.
You used to be seen playing in little bars,
I did it a couple of times, until some people filmed me and put me up on youtube. They ruined the experience. Now it would be impossible to play again like that.
Who's your favorite musician?
Van Morrison. I own all his albums.
Your sister is in the music business as well, isn't she?
Lizzy had a very successful song with her band Aurora. My other sister works in advertising. I'm the youngest.
They treated you like their own doll, didn't they?
They dressed me up like a girl, yes! (laughs). But it all changed when I turned 12.
You play Salvador Dali in you next movie, how was the experience?
It's marked a before and an after. I got obsessed with Dali, read everything I could about him. It's the first role in which I could reflect about it more seriously. He was the weirdest bloke, but I feel I understood him. He was very, very shy.
It looks like you have a bright future a head of you....
It's funny how things change. After being unemployed for so long, you start thinking "I'm not gonna mess this up again". So now, I'll only think about how I'm going to play a role. My only concern is to not mess this up. I don't want to be an idiot and that's a real possibility.
Renesmee's Necklace.
Ni vet i breaking dawn får ju Renesmee får ju hon ett får ju halsband i julklapp,som det står ''Plus que ma propre vie''Det betyder ''more than my own life'' :)Hahah om ni inte förstår på engelska så betyder det mer än mit eget liv ;)
Nu på den här sidan kan man köpa nästan ett identiskt på den här sidan på sidan kan man även hitta andra twilight-smycken :)Japp,det går att beställa hit till svergie i svenska kronor kostar halsbandet cirka 156 kronor plus frakt också ;)
Så vad väntar ni på?

Midnight Sun-Edward Cullen
Japp en video som visar twilight,ur Edwards perspektiv ;)
Hittade lite bilder hos twilightobsession =)Både Kellan Lutz och Ashley Greene är med i filmen ;)
Men rätt söta är dom tillsamans ändå ? :)
Men annars kan ni kika in på ebay,där som auktionerar ut såklallade cake-toppings =)
Priset varierar men dom kostar mellan 15-7 dollar,jag har aldrig provat själv men det funkar nog ;)
Det står att man ska breda över en smörkräm(eller liknade)och sen bara placera motivet på =)


Robert Pattinson photos.
Jag gillar bilderna inte bara för att Robert är så snygg,men hans frisyr kläderna håret ,allt!
Vad tycker ni om Robs hårfäg?=) Jag tycker om den faktikt han passar som ''svart''hårig,hah ;)
Bilderna är tagna 2007 för Evening Standar Magazine .

Ni hittar även bilderna här =)

Kä och
Dagens Bild.


New Moon boken med nya omslaget.

Jag tycker verkligen omslaget,eftersom dom har med the wolfpack och Edward i bakrunden.
Sen är ju Jacob och Bella också väldigt snygga ;)
Det sägs att den ska komma ut med det här omslaget den 15 september längtar ska nog köpa den då,haha även fast jag redan har den =)
Vampire-Baseball =)
Själva baseball eventet var ju för ''make a wish foundation'' som hjälper svårt sjuka barn,som har eller fötts med en sjukdom.Twilight-cast måste ju bara vara för bäst,dom skrev autografer till fans och pratade med dom och så =)

Mer bilder här
Följ min blogg =)
Bella+Edward||In the dark
Det är duktiga Tiffanyd666 (hennes youtube-konto) som har gjort denna video.Så här säger hon om videon:
Set within New Moon, this video represents Bella's loneliness and isolation. The only thing she has left of Edward is her memories (the good and bad), which she constantly gives over too replaying; and in turn, creates distance and strains on her friendships. Her mind begins to play tricks on her as she starts to see Edward, only to seconds later disappear. So she retreats back into her memories, to where she will hold on to him forever.
Alltså hur ensam coh så Bella känner sig och hur hennes tankar lurar henne ,att hon ser Edward och sekunder senare är borta..
Jag tycker den är väldigt bra och gjord och ganska sorglig

Nya bilder Robert som Cedric ;)
Japp det har kommit massa nya bilder på Robert när han spelade Cedric Diggory i Harry Potter.
Han är så söt på bilderna =)
Fler bilder hittar du här :)
Ja som ni redan försått är jag ett stort fan av the twilight saga! =) Jag älskar både böckerna och filmen.
Böckerna har jag läst så väldigt många gånger,både på svenska och engelska.
Som ni ser är jag verkligem usel på det här med bloggdesign,jag kan verkligen ingetting...
Men ni får läsa inläggen istället för att kolla på min usla design kunskap,haha!
Jag har inte gillat twilight så länge faktiskt ,när den kom ut på bio ,ville jag verkligen se den.Så jag och en kompis tänkte se den men det var ju 15-års gräns på den...jag skulle nog kunnat komma in ändå men så det blev aldrig att jag såg den på bio så jag köpte böckerna(på svenska först)I början läste jag inte mycket alls av boken,men sen eftertag läste jag ut boken på en gång och köpte tvåan,trean os.v.Jag har ocks¨sett filmen väääldigt många gånger nu!
Har den ipoden också ;)